Policy has always lacked engagement and been a very controversial topic amongst young people.

Yet the results of votes impact the entire nation, its future and its relationships with surrounding countries.

The current choices made now will have a long-lasting impact on the country and its economy; the country that young people will eventually lead which is in the midst of being built.


The policy choices that are made now and in the next few years will affect things such as: the justice system, the education system, the health system, public transport and many more, which a significant amount of young people depend on on daily. It’s crucial to have young people’s input on policy, because they are the ones with first-hand experience of the impact adults choices will have on both their present and their future.

Young people need to have their opinions heard, because as adults we can only assume what’s best for young people. Giving young people the ability to make decision and influence their future in terms of both ethics and policy, will encourage more young people to develop an interest in these matters as they innovate improvements on how things are at present.



Young people said that the most urgent thing the NHS needs to improve for children and young people is increasing mental health services (41%) and improving how easy it is to see a doctor when you need to (21%). The NHS Youth Forum highlighted the need for improved mental health training for staff and improved flexibility for young people to access services.

When asked how do you hope the NHS will change in the next 10 years, young people wanted more open minded doctors, more understanding and welcoming services, better mental health services, well trained staff and adequate funding for young people. The NHS Youth Forum agreed stressing the need for personalisation of services.

Climate Change

  • The majority of young people believe that government (46.9%) and businesses (25.2%) have the biggest responsibility for tackling the climate and nature emergencies.

  • 62% of respondents felt that businesses are not doing enough, and 71% felt that the UK Government are not doing enough to tackle the climate and nature emergencies.

  • Just over half are either very hopeful (14.6%) or hopeful (37.6%) that people in the UK can help find a solution.

    Geographers for Life (Dec, 2019) 


Knife crime

A mixture of both boys and girls from different ethnic backgrounds and different parts of London with no experience of being a victim or perpetrator gave suggestions on ways to reduce knife crime.

Coram (Sep 2019)


Six main ideas were suggested at the focus groups for how to tackle knife crime:

  1. Police should be more respectful when they stop and search.

  2. Young people should receive education on better relationships and managing emotions.

  3. Young people should have better access to careers services.

  4. Stop and search levels should stay the same and there should be a tougher criminal justice system.

  5. Young people should have access to long-term mentors.

  6. There should be healthier, safe opportunities for young people to spend their time.

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Anna Rose Barker, Chair, British Youth Council said: “Young people have made it absolutely clear they want a curriculum that prepares them for life. This is the fifth time it’s come out as a priority for young people – it’s imperative the Government act now to address this reoccurring issue!”

The five issues that have been prioritised are:

  • A Curriculum to prepare us for life – Schools should cover topics including finance, sex and relationships and politics in the curriculum.

  • Transport – Make public transport cheaper, better and accessible for all.

  • Work Experience hubs for 11-18 year olds – Knowing where to find work experience can be challenging. Government should create an online space to help young people with this

  • Votes at 16 – Give 16 and 17 year olds the right to vote in all elections/referendums.

  • Protect LGBT+ People – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender+ young people deserve to be treated the same as everyone else; discrimination needs to be challenged.

UK Youth Parliament