Our Services



We are qualified educators with experience teaching across London and connected to an exclusive global teacher network.

ESP Foundation believes education happens in all settings and surroundings we engage in on a daily basis. This is not exclusive to a school environment, but places such as the home, the community and through personal/religious beliefs.

ESP Foundation delivers bespoke initiatives and sign-posting working towards every child accessing a quality education. We believe that education has the power to transform the lives of young people and the wider community.



"Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair" — Nelson Mandela

The ESP Foundation delivers this concept through game-changing initiatives such as Girls Allowed​, community enrichment and competition opportunities for boys and girls.

With vast experience in grassroots and professional sports as organisers and participants, we are well equipped to connect the relevant dots to keep participants active.



ESP Foundation are dedicated to giving the youth a voice and providing an insight to the importance of politics. Through workshops and collaborations with existing organisations we equip young people with the skills needed to successfully implement social change. Through our engagements as facilitators, we are able to link young people with local organisations to gain insight to becoming more politically active.



Prom 8

What Prom 8 did was give students a focus and a goal. They worked together towards a common aim.  Ultimately it was a great reward for a year of extremely hard work. Students felt valued and appreciated. They felt special.

Prom 8 now has developed into a more focused reward which I am confident will inspire and motivate all students, especially those who have, historically under-performed, to reach their goals. 

— Cristalina Ferenandes – Headteacher at The Crest Academy 



Staff at the ESP Foundation have been such a support to me and my family. From helping me find a new job after a sudden redundancy to motivating my son to pursue (and achieve) his dreams through avenues we’d never considered. Their genuine passion and constant concern for the wider community is evident through the amount of tireless work they do. Thank you so much!

— Parent Governor, Michaela Community School 


Rarely have I encountered individuals with a plethora of gifts and skills, and rarely do I encounter such individuals who practice them all to the selfless benefit of others.

Eartha Pond CEO of ESP Foundation, educator, local councillor and professional footballer, utilises each one of her skills. As an educator, there are testimonies of her love and commitment of the craft. She engages young people who are able to dream and dare to believe that all things are possible. Using collegiate skills, learners practice the art of self and peer development. They learn that when I achieve, we can achieve.  Those characteristics come into play through education and leadership, as councillor, her love and enhancement of the community and as a baller, teamwork, aspiration and the achievement of collective goals. It is my humble honour to endorse and promote the work of Eartha and the ESP Foundation.

— Dr Angela Herbert MBE


On behalf of all the children, staff, parents and the local community, we would like to say a huge thank you to Eartha Pond for her continuous support and dedication she has given over the last 4 years of working with her.   

Eartha has designed and lead many different projects, both in and outside of schools, providing young people with the opportunity to grow in confidence and understand their place in the world. Her attention to detail is outstanding and we are thrilled with the result and her positive impact she had on the young people at our school.  Eartha is an outstanding athlete and has inspired so many young women to not only be healthy, but also have high ambition and the believe that girls can achieve in sports.  I am extremely proud to have worked with Eartha and hope that this may continue and she pushes more boundaries speaking up for the vulnerable people in society and trying to make the world a better place. Eartha comes highly recommended, an outstanding ambassador for the local and national community. 

— Errol Comrie, Headteacher 


When we built the Community centre and New Boxing gym at Grenfell one year after the fire it was imperative we were guided from the start by the families and the community there.
My first encounter with Eartha Pond was leading a street Q & A session to establish facts and support for the community within days of the disaster. She was tireless in her efforts to support the bereaved and homeless. She was my guide and introduction to that community, Her selfless drive and determination to improve opportunities, education and living standards for others is inspiring and I would encourage others not just to engage with her but support her in her efforts. She is the kind of shining light this country needs going forward to improve the lot of those overlooked, underrepresented and often discarded and she has my support in all she does.

— Nick Knowles (BBC DIY SOS)


I’ve had the pleasure of working with Eartha for a long time spanning over 10 years. First of all as an incredible athlete giving 100% effort and demonstrated passion and desire to be the best. Our paths crossed ways again whilst we both worked for The David Beckham Academy as one of four BAME coaches within the the academy. Here she was incredible at leading the participants through vigorous training sessions. Throughout the past five years I’ve had the absolutely privilege of working with Eartha in an educational capacity. Throughout this time our school has benefited from numerous sporting opportunities which have helped to enrich, inform and educate our students. We are always look forward to and are excited when Eartha gets in touch because her projects are always innovative and inspiring for our students. The opportunities that we’ve had via the ESP Foundation, have given students long lasting memories.

— Keishana Kelly, Harris Academy Bermondsey


Through the ESP Foundation Eartha wants to make the world a better place; she’s so committed to change and betterment she manages to make things happen that most people wouldn’t believe possible. She’s brilliant to work with, bringing solutions and a can-do attitude, an incredible role model

— Anna Kessel MBE - Women's Sports Editor (The Telegraph)

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I like the concept of Prom 8 due to it having a real solution on an issue that if addressed in its infancy can have a lasting legacy for the young people, saving them from a life of failure, substance misuse and criminality. It will have a positive impact on addressing the issues in school and reducing the exclusion rates as well as equipping the young people with real life skills and training to be able to make better choices in the future. Prom 8 is important as it’s child centered and addresses the real issues and prevention is the key.

— Abdi Farah - Connect Stars


I first met Eartha while responding to the Grenfell Tower atrocity. I was moved and inspired then as I have been ever since by her compassion, good humour, integrity and tireless efforts to help those in her community as beyond. Through our efforts we became good friends it has been my pleasure to work with her on many charity fundraising events. Establishing the ESP Foundation is another example that she has not stopped working for what she believes in and because of that whenever she calls I am always glad to do whatever I can do to assist and support.

— Giles Terera MBE

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A community organisation who helps to build self-esteem in young people that can lead to a healthier lifestyles both in a physical and mental capacity.
An organisation which is on a mission to inspire every child, regardless of gender, background, or ethnicity’s that they can create a future filled achievements & prosperity. 

— Hanan Miezou – Grenfell Response  & Recovery Manager



I had the pleasure of working with Eartha as part of a women in sport event in 2019, when Earth delivered a keynote session to an audience of brands, rights holders and governing bodies. Eartha is a very powerful human being, with a great ability to inspire and captivate a room. Eartha has a wealth of knowledge and experience within sport and the role that it can play in helping to develop and connect communities through the ESP Foundation. As someone who has played professional sport, held senior public positions and coached sports at all levels, Eartha has a unique perspective that everyone serious about sport, culture and change, needs to listen to!  

— Mollie Pearse, Head of Marketing EMEA at Facebook 


What people are saying…


“Staff at the ESP Foundation will always try and find a solution to any problem flagged”

— Child Protection Officer (London Borough of Brent)

“ESP Foundation has the characteristics of "the people's choice". With the courage to challenge, compassion to help people especially those in deprivation and the business acumen to do it in a way that relevant to the era we live in ”

— Tony Lazare (CEO London Basketball Association)

“ESP Foundation is a formidable force and will be one of the greatest springboards this generation has the pleasure of working alongside”

— Ghino Parker (Young Brent Foundation)


“A heart for the people. Through the ESP Foundation Eartha uses her influence to support and inspire people from various spheres of life, she knows no boundaries and she shouldn’t”

— Tajean Hutton (Kick it Out: Grassroots Manager)


Having worked with Trustees at the ESP Foundation I can only attribute their ability to engage with young people of all diverse backgrounds, as an authentic connection built on mutual respect. It is an a valuable asset that they are able to combine their passion for empowering young people and sport, with their encouragement for inclusivity. ESP Foundation are an asset to any community, the epitome of inclusion and equality. Our future generations need more ESP Foundations! 

— Yolanda Toussaint - The I Am Project LDN


I first had the pleasure of working with Eartha whilst running the Edutain play and sports program for young people in Westminster.
Eartha has the ability to connect with young people, whilst still being able to earn their respect and admiration. This quality meant that she was a valued part of the team, ensuring that young people had a great experience every School holiday they spent with us. Her dedication to her community is impressive and genuine, something that all members of her parish are able to benefit from, as she is a truly inclusive practitioner, with only their very best interests at heart.

— Dianne Larrington - Outreach Coordinator London Fire Brigade